Project Management
If you are adding a new office, changing offices, modernizing your organization’s technology, or wanting to add new technological features to your organization, the key to successful implementation and a smooth transition is skilled and competent project management. At RAK Consulting, we manage the implementation of communications systems to meet an organization’s corporate needs, expectations, and schedules by offering reliability and security while providing diversity and flexibility. Whether your company needs to add a virtual private network (VPN), increase WAN reliability, transfer technology to a new location, add an all-media PBX or add a call center, you can be confident in avoiding the pitfalls of hit-and-miss planning with an RAK Consulting managed project.
RAK Consulting’s project management services start with project inception and extends to system verification and turn-up. Our clients are assured of our complete objectivity during the research and implementation process as we are not affiliated with, or benefit from dealings with any manufacturer, carrier, or distributor. In short, your organization’s needs are, without a doubt, at the forefront of any project we manage.